Showing posts with label competition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label competition. Show all posts

Thursday, December 8, 2011

12 Days of Christmas Giveaway with The Tee Gazette

It's that time of year again and to get you into the Christmas spirit The Tee Gazette have put together an incredible giveaway...Today there are 4 t-shirts to be won, one of which is one of our own ladies tops of the winners choosing.. You can enter the competition here and then it's time for you to cross your fingers :) Also, as part of the 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway I was interviewed and you can check that out right here..Let me know what you think and good luck!
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Monday, October 17, 2011

Dublin Living Awards - Finalists!

The Dublin Living Awards are a new set of awards for, well, people and businesses in Dublin and we're finalists!!! As they say on their site "The Awards celebrate the Dublin businesses, organisations and people that make Dublin a great place to live work and visit." We're really delighted to be finalists and now badly need you to take a second to vote for us (please)..

We're in the Fashion Retailer category (an apt place I guess) with some big name brands like Clerys Department Store and Costelloe + Costelloe but it's all down to votes now which means it's all down to you.. It would be beyond cool if little old LadyUmbrella could somehow become David in this David and Goliath story..You and your votes are our slingshot and you can make it happen..

The below image is from the Metro Newspaper which gives some more info about the Dublin Living Awards, always nice to see LadyUmbrella in black and white :)

If you vote please leave a comment to let us know so we can shower you with thanks :)
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The TNT 1st Birthday #GIVEAWAY

They say time flies when you're having fun and that is most definitely the case for us..On Thursday 20th of January 2011 we'll have been in "business" for one year..To mark our first birthday with a bang we're starting our TNT Giveaway which will run for 3 days...Oh, it's going to be on!

On Tuesday we'll be giving away one of our totebags..To enter just leave a comment here or on facebook letting us know what you'd put in your totebag..

On Wednesdaywe'll be giving away one of our nifty new notebooks..To enter just leave a comment here or on facebook letting us know what you'd write/draw or use your notebook for..

On Thursday we have one of our ladies t-shirts up for grabs...To be in with a chance of winning just leave us a comment here or on facebook letting us know which of our t-shirt designs is your favourite..Simples :)

We'll put all the names in a hat and announce the 3 different winners on Friday..We'd really appreciate if you could share this on twitter (just press the big RT button above) or if you could suggest our facebook page to some of your friends who might be interested in our stuff - that is our birthday wish :)

Any help you can give us to spread the word would really rock our world, we're still a very small company and your help and support is vital for us - thank you!

P.S. Sharing is caring! Our IT boffins have have got a new Facebook "like" button and Twitter ReTweet button on the top of all our blog posts..Give them a click and make us smile!
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Monday, November 22, 2010

Will You Win The Ultimate Style Test?

I hope you're heard about it by now but we have been lucky enough to team up with fashion industry insider Nicky Harris and top stylist Maria Fusco to bring you the Ultimate Style Test..The test being which LadyUmbrella ladies t-shirt would you wear on Christmas Day and how would you style it?

The competition ends at midnight tomorrow so you only have less than 30 hours to enter so you should go and check it now..We are giving away a t-shirt and a tote bag so there'll be two prizes! Even if you don't want to enter there are some amazing entries already posted worth reading...Both of us here at LadyUmbrella (as well as Nicky and Maria) are really blown away by some of the entries - so much detail and effort went into them so thank you if you've already entered..If not, have a go and if you can pass it on that would be uber excellent and help us out so much..Stay happy all..

P.S. Sharing is caring! Our IT boffins have have got a new Facebook "like" button and Twitter ReTweet button on the top of all our blog posts..Give them a click and make us smile!
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Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Compers Challenge!

We have just started a brand new competition today, our 3 tee giveaway and already it is going well with quite a few entries received..but, the entries received got me thinking...How powerful are the compers?

Since starting this ladies t-shirt business I've become interested in social media and the likes and am really astounded at the speed with which "compers" can spread a message of a competition via facebook and twitter (heck, sure I tweet with lots of you regularly now, tis great hehe)..So, I was thinking, how about a challenge for you all?

The 3 tee giveaway is going to run for 3 weeks, until the 14th of October and I'm curious to see how many entries can be received..I would love if you (everyone who reads this) could take a moment to share the competition page ( on any competition or giveaway site/forum you may be active on and then leave a comment below with a link to where you posted it...may very well be a bonus prize in it for someone :)

Would love if some (or all) of you could get on board and help us spread the word of this competition...How many entries do you think are possible?

P.S. Sharing is caring! Our IT boffins have have got a new Facebook "like" button and Twitter ReTweet button on the top of all our blog posts..Give them a click and make us smile!
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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Voiceover for Victory

In case you didn't hear we were giving away 2 t-shirts to celebrate passing 5,000 facebook fans and decided to try do something a little bit different to announce the winner..Needless to say this resulted in some tomfoolery in front of the camera and another misguided attempt at humour..We still managed to find our winners though and their ladies t-shirts are about to undergo the "packaging procedure"..

For those of you who didn't win - don't fret. We've got 20% off all orders with promo code lubday20 until June 6th from our online shop, buy yourself a tee whilst the sun is shining :) Enjoy the video "Voiceover for Victory" - like the dance moves? Stay happy...

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Double Trouble - 2 T-Shirt Give Away!!

It has happened, we've hit 5,000 facebook fans before Rob's birthday and to celebrate we're giving away not one but two ladies t-shirts - double trouble time..

So, how do you enter? Well, you'll be pleased to hear we've made it pretty easy, just go to our facebook fanpage and leave us a comment letting us know which design is your favorite..just like that..You have until Friday 28th May to enter and we'll announce the winner not too long after that...Go on, press the RT button and tell a friend, it helps us out so much..

So, which one is your favorite? Good luck!

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

We are on the Internet but we are Human - Give Away!

We have just passed 4,500 facebook fans which to us is nuts. When we started the fanpage in August we never thought we'd get that number of fans at all - yet here we are. This is just a quick post take stock and share a dream we had with you..and to give away some t-shirts - read on ;)

We are on the Internet but we are human. All the comments and messages we receive from you are truly incredible and really make us feel good to be alive. It is staggering. We've had the pleasure of connecting with lots of you and sending you our ladies t-shirts and genuinely like to interact with you and get your feedback and thoughts.

One of the things that makes us all human is birthdays - Rob's birthday is the 30th of May. Way back when we started the fanpage we set what we thought was a completely unrealistic target of 5,000 facebook fans by Robs birthday. This is now possible and within our grasp but we need your help to get there...

Please, please, please suggest our page to some of your friends..Imagine if everyone got one friend to join?? or 2 friends? Really, the mind boggles at what could happen if you could take one minute to help us out..There is some nifty code and instructions below which selects all your friends if you want to send out a lot of suggestions (that would be amazing!)..Leave a comment when you send out suggestions so we can thank you with a chunky 25% off coupon!!

We said we'd give away a t-shirt when we had 5,000 fans but instead now we'll give 2 away if we make it before Robs can make it happen by suggesting the page to your friends and those who do will be entered into the draw for the t-shirts twice!!

If you read this please give this post a "thumbs up", leave a comment on it, press the green RT button above, share it on your wall and even better, act on it. Getting 5,000 fans would be Rob's perfect birthday present - and it can happen. You can make it happen..Imagine the ole?

Robs birthday is in 19 days, so thats 19 days to get 500 fans - it's possible isn't it?..we are on the internet but we are human, please, make us happy humans :)

Here is how to invite all your friends without clicking all of them! (might not work in firefox but fine in other browsers)

1. Copy the following text:

javascript:elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li'); for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){[fid]);}}

2. Go to our facebook fanpage and click the "Suggest to friends" link directly under the page picure.
3. Make your address bar empty (the browser field above where you enter a websites address)
4. Paste the copied text into the address bar (not the popup window which contains your friends) and press 'Enter'.
5. Now all your friends will be highlighted. Click "Send Invitations" and you're done!
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