Friday, November 5, 2010

Blast Off! Buttons, badges or pins?

Just a real quick post to mark the arrival of a new product to our online shop..For too long we have kept these babies under lock and key but now we are finally ready to offer them to the world at large..It's blast off time for our buttons/badges/pins!

Lots of people have been in touch with us wanting to buy our buttons so they can show some support to us and just have some narly buttons :) So now, we have 3 different designs available on 1 inch buttons and you can get the full set for just 1.99e..You'll be able to stick them on your coats, bags, scarves, t-shirts - sure, the possibilites are endless :) And, shipping is still free worldwide! Really hope to send some to you now because it would help us spread the word of our ladies t-shirts world wide..

And so, one parting question..What are buttons, badges, pins called in your neck of the woods? We call them badges around here but whatever you call them you can get them here..Stay happy all, ole..

P.S. Sharing is caring! Our IT boffins have have got a new Facebook "like" button and Twitter ReTweet button on the top of all our blog posts..Give them a click and make us smile!
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Unknown said...

We call them buttons or pins in the US. I <3 mine.

LadyUmbrella said...

Buttons or pins, cool cool - noted :) Great to hear you <3 them..ole..

streetwear said...

There really nice buttons and a great idea. Good work!

LadyUmbrella said...

Why thank you, thank you very much ;)