Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Follow Friday Freak Out! We're No.1!!

Stop the clocks, hold up, pause the tape and take a moment to calm down..We've been having a follow Friday freak out as we received this tweet that we were the most #FF'd tweep in all of Ireland beating off musicians like Paul Hughes and Jedward...Check out the screen capture below, really can't believe our twitter account, @ladyumbrellaltd, is in the number one spot for last Friday..

I'm a sucker for numbers though I had to go and see where us and our ladies t-shirts ranked globally. It turns out we are no. 282 globally out of 5,888,995 and our ranking for English speaking twitter users is no. 242 - not too bad all things considered.

Needless to say I'd trade 90 FF's every Friday for 90 t-shirt sales every Friday but it is really humbling to see that so many people are talking about us and helping us spread the word...I don't know how many times I've said it in the past now but things like this really make everything worth while - the support from you is really over whelming and all I can do is ask you to please keep it up...

...and next target acquired now is to be the no. 1 #FF'd English speaking twitter user..will take a while but the challenge starts now..Will it ever happen?

P.S. Sharing is caring! Our IT boffins have have got a new Facebook "like" button and Twitter ReTweet button on the top of all our blog posts..Give them a click and make us smile!
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